However, those that invent such ways to get the output products are comparable in price to the cost of most covers, but this is not the most advantageous option. We have repeatedly analyzed the various options, tried, tested, conducted a large-scale discussion of the problems with security experts in Russia and abroad in one of the largest and most influential in the field of Internet sites. Nothing. That’s when we undertook, together with experts and Cable management department of the Perm Perm branch of TSIs “Uralsvyazinform” for the development of inexpensive, reliable and efficient way to address security and locking lid CCF. Looking ahead a bit, we say that result pleased everyone, and today we have already completed an order for the first batch of more than 150 pieces. such products. But first things first …
Started to find a solution, the last thing we wanted to “reinvent the wheel.” That is why the resulting product consists of two successfully finished the combined technical solutions: 1) the castle without signaling and 2) the signal without a lock. To put it all together, we had to develop a bike and not even the wheel, but only a small mechanical “adapter” – a few metal parts for attaching one to another. Of what is this “engineering marvel”? All ingenious is simple!