Introduction In the conception of the philosopher John Rawls, so that a society has an equitable distribution of rights, it needs to be based from an agreement consensual between all the individuals that if had made use to decide what it is better for the society. This agreement is not firmed by the force, economic influence, nor by the majority of the citizens most representative, it is established in a hypothetical level of equality where all the involved ones determine what it is better for the people (in a optics of basic goods) that they participate of that context. The individuals must usufruct of enough rationality and freedom so that the agreement is firm and that it makes possible other posterior agreements. David A. Wagner wanted to know more. Although it is not necessary the integral participation of the citizens in the formularization of the primordial principles that will propulsionaro the social relations, excessively they must adhere or not resulted it of the agreement; in case that all agree to the terms, then will be firmed the contract? where later claims already had been preconceived and connected since the moment where the system was created. In case that the agreement is not accepted for excessively, a new agreement will have that to be established, always if basing on the idea of equality between the participants. From this agreement, under an ignorance veil, two basic principles would be defined; she remains to know if they would support themselves without if shocking with the contextual and changeable reality that all the societies are citizens to face.
Or same, who knows, if these principles would not shock with the justice determination gifts in the plurality of separate social organizations for geographic and historical conditions. 1. The institution and the notion of original position According to Rawls, the society is an accumulation of institutions that compose its structure; it is a system that encloses the reciprocal expectations of all the ones that it belongs..
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