As was already foreseen, the higher administrative court (OVG) has forbidden Munster the Land Nordrhein-Westfalen by order of the 23rd, electric cigarettes to warn. With respect to the coverage in the media to the marketability of the E-cigarette talk predominant sure that the contested statements of the Ministry acted as a ban, according to the Court. Therefore the legal assessment of Ministry not only on his justification was to check that rather the Court to carry out a personal legal rating on the scale of the medicines Act and the medical devices act. Then, that are in the press release”and statements contained in the Decree illegal. The E-cigarette and a nikotinhaltiges liquid under were the pharmaceuticals Act nor the medical product law. That do not legally standardized qualify a medicinal liquid. It is not the cessation of the smoking or the alleviation of nicotine dependence in the foreground.
Also don’t have the E-cigarette and accessories therapeutic or prophylactic purpose required for a drug. Recently also the administrative court Cologne decided in another case that electronic cigarettes is not a drug. “” Also if the decision of the OVG Munster only “was issued in an urgent procedure, should be set at least for North Rhine-Westphalia, that steamer” no drug consume. The discussion on the E-cigarette should be so but hardly settled. Other non-binding and free information related to the pharmaceutical law, see
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