It asks for the vice-secretary of Communication of the PP, Esteban Gonzlez Pons. The APM and the FAPE ask to the security forces that the journalists respect. Gorka Branches, d and, was stopped in the protest of 15-M. The journalist has been set free east Friday. #periodistadetenido and #GorkRamos they are trending topic in Twitter.
' indignados' they will denounce the police loads and they request the resignation of Camacho. After the halting of Gorka journalist Branches, the digital newspaper, when 15-M in Madrid covered the protest with the movement, the Popular Party, the Association of the Press of Madrid (APM) and the Federation of Associations of Journalists of Spain (FAPE) have asked that clarifies its arrest and the proceedings for their release are accelerated. While, hashtags #periodistadetenido and #GorkRamos is, this Friday, trending topic in the social network Twitter. The journalist, finally, has been set free the 15,00 hours of this Friday past. In addition, members of the movement 15-M have requested the resignation of the Minister of Interior, Antonio Camacho, and of the Delegate of the Government in Madrid, Maria Dolores Carrin, to the being considered " people in charge " of the action of the antiriots, that was settled with 4 lengthy (including the journalist) and 20 wounded ones. " The Police sobreacts where it does not have hacerlo" In an official notice sent to mass media, the general vice-secretary of Communication of the PP, Esteban Gonzlez Pons, indicates that, in relation to this subject, the Police is committing " very serious errores" because " he does not act when he must do it and he sobreacts where he does not have hacerlo". " The minister of the Interior and (Alfredo Perez) Rubalcaba do not know what to do with paro" and now " he begins not to know how what to not even do with the journalists " , ironiza the popular leader.
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