14 of August of 2011? DAY OF THE PARENTS ' ' It does not fit me to conceive no so important necessity during the infancy of a person who the necessity to feel itself protected by one pai.' ' (Sigmund Freud). Today it is one day special. Then children () use to advantage to make a more affectionate compliment, to give a inigualvel gift, so that the Father remembers whenever this date never passed blank to its (s) children (). FATHER exists of some types: that one that it loves, takes care of, of the attention, affection, understands. They have others that are not imported, others that had never known its son (a), those that are not worried, do not love, are always absent for different reasons. It does not matter is FATHER exactly thus.
You already stopped to reflect that type of FATHER you is? He uses to advantage, today it is one day opportune for reflections and suddenly to correct some errors. Children () also erram PARENTS, but to make a mistake is proper of any human being, what it needs exactly is to know to recognize its error, to pardon and to ask for pardon. That not only today, but in every day you come to be a better FATHER, because independently the type of FATHER who is its () children (), you need its love, affection, friendship and you need to have it for close, if not to the side, at least gift in the life of them () of some form. HAPPY DAY OF THE PARENTS AND THAT GOD BLESSING CONTINUES YOU WITH MUCH HEALTH, BECAUSE THE TOO MUCH THINGS YOU ALWAYS WILL GO TO CONQUER. Kris Aglae Reserved Authorial *Direitos
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