Connects between a lining on the principle of 'groove-and-groove'. Secretary of Agriculture can provide more clarity in the matter. With this type of connection the pointing can not match the color of the panels or even a mirror. Inserts can be embossed and ploskieSposoby mount plastic panels for attaching a plastic lining and finishing molded using the most convenient way. Here are the most common ways to mount wall Panel: Building staples-the most convenient way to mount the plastic panels, the lack of need for gun clips. Nails – nails, use a broad hats and cover-antikoroziynym awkward protrusion mounting bracket and small broken-off fingers you are guaranteed. Self-tapping screws, fasteners for plastic panels ponadoitsya drill holes for zasverlivaniya, can do without it but then namucheetes soctavami glue and mix-controversial Fixing plastic sheeting is difficult to guarantee.
When mounted on a vertical wall surface for attaching the sheathing of plastic panels attach to the step of not more than 60 cm, attached to the ceiling panels in prevent sagging, attach the panel to step up to 50 cm panels are fixed on clean and smooth plastic lining poverhnost.Zamok linking instructions on installing a plastic lining If the surface rough, you need to mount a crate of wooden slats. Reiki should be placed perpendicular to the panels. The recommended distance between the rails – no more than 500 mm. When installing the lining in wet areas wooden sheathing must be processed with a special compound. If the walls have a curvature obreschetka eliminates this drawback. Enclosing a obreschetku wedges in the field of curvature, we obtain a flat surface. Decorative Trim moldings used for the final design of the lining of plastic blocks. In the corners of the profile is established inside or outside corner.
To close the panels at the bottom-edged cut-outs and doors, windows, etc. subsection applies starting profile. When connecting panels in length using the connection profile. Ceiling moldings are used to design the junction block wall to the ceiling. Installation of lining is recommended to start with angle. Insert the battens into the lock angle of 4-5 cm above the planned altitude, moving down, lower bunk in the castle starting profile. Fasten the panel convenient for you. Subsequent panels are mounted on the analogy. In the showers, bathrooms rooms, in rooms with frequent direct contact with the wall sealing compound recommend the starting profile and lining the bottom. For sealing, use waterproof silicone or similar sealant. Inset in the linings of switches, sockets, etc., is performed by means of building a knife, handsaw or jigsaw. Pre-made layout cutout marker.
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