N of participants: 20 the 30 the ministrante choose 6 people of the group, each one of these people will represent a pertaining to school problem: violence, evasion, indiscipline, reprovao, repetncia and me the management. Later the ministrante it announces that the remain of the group will have to form pairs, distributes for each pair 01 blank empty bladder and 2 pieces of papers. Each integrant one of the pair will have to write in its paper a dream (an objective inside of the school) that it longs for and to place in the empty bladder. Later any person of the pair it will be able to full and to moor the bladder. The ministrante places a music and commands that each pair protects its bladder of the six people who will attack the pairs, trying to blow up it. The objective of the six people chosen for the ministrante is to destroy the dreams, the objectives inside of the school.
Each pair that will have the blown up bladder will have to read in high voice which the destroyed dreams and it destroyed who them: violence, evasion, indiscipline, reprovao, repetncia and/or me the management. The pair that to obtain to leave unharmed, it will say in high voice which the dreams that had not been destroyed and as this pair obtained to defend itself of the traps of the educational problems. The ministrante will have to deliver to the winners, bonbons or candies. OBS.: United we stand, divided we fall, but she is necessary strategies of defense and against attack.
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