On top of the each plate is applied a layer of acrylic primer, which in turn is covered by granules of natural stone. Additional protection of the composite tile gives a layer of transparent acrylic. Features: – Technology production of lightweight material allows you to receive – only 6.5 kg / sq. m. – Able to withstand wind gusts of up to 200 km / h.
– The cost of installation of tile is small, since the scheme laying tile is incredibly simple, but do not take work a lot of time. – Has a Class A fire resistance Storage and packaging: it is best stored on pallets (one pallet is placed 30 to 50 packs). When storing sure your tile is not exposed to direct sunlight, since otherwise the elements of the roof can stick together to protect them from the film. Do not install pallet at each other. Popular brands: ROSER (Rosero) – released in South Korea and exported to all countries in Europe, Asia and Africa. It is popular in our country. The manufacturer produces the shingles in different colors and provides a guarantee for the products within 30 years.
METROTILE (Metrotayl) – ideal for pitched roofs. Wide selection profiles, color options and accessories allows you to implement any ideas of architects and build roofs of varying difficulty. LUXARD (Lyuksard) – used in production of natural mineral granules that are exclude metallic luster. Externally very similar to tile ceramic roof, with the sale of "Lyuksard" performed at lower prices, compared to the cost of natural tile. If you need the most durable roofing material, then choose the metal shingles. It is not very suitable for mounting on the roofs of relief, but laying on the flat surface of metal tiles does not cause any trouble. At the same time metal suitable for the reconstruction of old houses, and furnishing of new ones. Sheets of metal can be made on an individual order – you can choose your size, composition (Zinc, copper and alyumotsinkovannaya), color and texture. Advantages: – high strength metal, – a wide range of colors – environmental safety – durability (manufacturers offer a guarantee for up to 50 years) – light weight (5 kg / sq. m). Installation: performing packing, remember to comply with all rules, which is rich in any installation instructions. Additionally, you must follow the recommendations of manufacturers of materials. Popular Manufacturers: METEHE (Metekhi) – the Finnish metal, resistant to heat, cold, acid rain, sea salt (which is important for coastal areas), weathering. POIMUKATE (Poymukate) – Another Finnish roofing company which uses high quality materials such well-known European manufacturers, as SSAB, Rautaruukki and Corus Plc. Polymeric sand tile is made of sand (70%), the molten polymer (25%) and high-quality dyes (5%). Once this mixture cools, it is almost impossible to destroy. Color plastic tile remains unchanged even after several decades, as the staining occurs at a stage termopressovaniya. Advantages: – appearance – it serves as a model for ceramic tiles – versatility – does not overload the rafters – the cost of laying low, because installation is quick and easy – Shock – Low thermal conductivity. Just a few steps away you from the moment when your house will be decorated and a beautiful high-quality metal, bitumen, composite or ceramic tile …
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