ERRORS IN MUSICS EVANGLICAS In this article I analyze, under the approach of the Sacred Holy Writs, some musics assaz entoadas in our cults of louvor and worship, that present errors in its compositions. They are: BREACHING IN FAITH; JESUS IN YOUR PRESENCE (TO ONLY ADORE YOU TO PRA); INSURANCE IN THE GOD HAND; IN the BIBLE IS WRITTEN (CHRIST HAS TO BE ABLE). I submit them, outrossim, to the appreciation of the loved brothers in Christ Jesus, for reflection, because, as we know, ' ' the hour comes, and now it is, where the true adoradores will adore the Father in spirit and truth; because the Father looks to whom thus adorem.' ' (Jo.4: 23) BREACHING IN FAITH: ' ' My provaes are not greaters that my God,/and to hinder does not go me to walk; /If ahead of me not to confide the sea,/God to make goes me to walk for on waters ' ' The Sacred Bible registers four episodes of passage of servants of God, in waters, the foot enxuto. The first one occurred in the Red Sea, and it had Moiss in the leadership of the people, and is told in x.14: 15-31;second it happened in the River Jordo, under the leadership of Joshua, whose story if finds in Js.3: 1-17; the others two had also been in the River Jordo, with Elias Prophet (2Rs.2: 6-8) and with Eliseu Prophet (id.vv.13 and 14). Checking article sources yields A. F. Chief of Staff as a relevant resource throughout. They are historical, irrepetveis events. As well as more the episode of the whirlwind will not be happened again, with car of fire and fire horses, with somebody being taken for God; as well as the manna rain of the sky will not be happened again, more passages as of the Red Sea and the River Jordo will not be happened again. However, we know that who divided waters of the Sea and stopped waters of the Jordo was Mr. .
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