The second interesting thing that you should use – Feedburner FeedFlare, going four points above. Without special zamorochek it provides an opportunity to add the feed directly to interactive elements. And it's not just buttons and parasitic zakladochnikov services, but also shows the number of comments to the record – which is handy if you want to interest the reader and bring him to the discussion. In addition to standard buttons for burzhuinskih blogs is quite an extensive catalog of FeedFlare – from RSS2PDF to English-to-Russian Translation, which respectively, in a single click displays the translated content post. If you want to add the feed button BobrDobr, Memory, or smi2 nyus2 there is a solution of the Russian blogger.
Copy the link to the xml-file and just add it in special form. And do not forget to subscribe to my feed themselves, to see the final result! And do not forget about the basic functionality Fidbernera. Tab, Optimize: Browser Friendly. Configure the services supported by readers, who will displayed as a button when entering the piped in FB feed. Set ClearFeed (Russian) and uncheck those services which are not needed.
Smart Feed. This feature is included for compatibility with absolutely anything, onalynovym or desktop, reader. Tab Publicize: FeedCount. Actually, this function meter readers. Awareness API. Included, this feature allows readers to use an external statistics, which, for example, display two plug-ins described below. PingShot. In addition to ping function in the WordPress, fidbernerbudet also send him a well-known ping-update notification services. It is also possible to arrange a subscription to e-mail through e-mail – to receive updates on lyuiteley mail. However, the easiest way to use all the same service, form code, which is just as easy to copy a blog, and registration is not required at all. Here again, you can customize your blog title and put a link to identifying picture (preferably the same as in the FB). In addition, Yandex, the assurances of some knowledgeable people from all subscriptions to the post office, said only readers of this service. So it goes. And yes, you can track statistics Fidbernera directly to dashboard of WordPress – using plug-Feed Subscriber Stats. For fans of porefreshit Tsiferki, it is possible to get your fire fox do it for you. FeedBurner Subscribers 1.3 shows the statistics right in the status bar.
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