Declining satisfaction with E-Government / fear of data theft significantly increases Berlin, 28 November 2013 in Germany use 2013 only 36 per cent of the Onliners age 18 E-government services. These are 2012 nine percentage points of less compared to the previous year. Only 17 percent of users are currently extremely satisfied”with the online offering of their city a significant decrease of 15 percentage points. An exception is the electronic tax return (ELSTER): you experience a slight increase of two percentage points to 35 percent in contrast to the general trend. The eGovernment MONITOR 2013 shows for Germany compared with the previous years a further breach of the trend: with an increase of 38 percentage points in the Switzerland and 59 percentage points in the United Kingdom the fear of data theft as a hindrance in all countries surveyed has increased considerably. Fear in Germany currently 61 percent of those surveyed the theft of their data a plus by 57 percentage points. Lack of security at the data transfer more than half of all the six scares Countries of surveyed Onliner, in Germany there are even 67 percent. Users of E-government services emphasize cross-border on reliable systems, protection and security of their data, easy to use online platforms, as well as a full range of information.
Mobile Government prevailed so far in any of the surveyed countries. The number of users is highest with 21 percent each in the Switzerland and Sweden, marker lights are Germany and the United States with five percent each. 2012 the use of E-government services increased in all countries. The current results, however, show that currently remove the interest and use. Moreover, we determine currently a significant loss of confidence in the safety of government electronic management services. As the initiative D21 we appeal to political and administrative, to take these alarming signs seriously and to take measures that counteract the loss of confidence on the basis of the present research results”, says Robert A.
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