Include these, then you have to find other ways to increase your oxygen uptake capacity. A boost of the km scale is offered first. The VO2max is increasing considerably, if you increase your weekly running schedule gradually by approximately forty kilometers on seventy to eighty kilometers. (The emphasis is on “gradually”, never more than 10 percent should be improving from week to week.) This increase in oxygen uptake is however low your kilometers range only once reaches a certain level. Studies suggest that the VO2max leveling off from a weekly training volume of 130 kilometers. This brings us to the next possibility: the anaerobic training. “Anaerobic” means “without oxygen”.
If you run a pretty high speed, your body can provide not enough oxygen for a sufficient supply of the muscles. That’s why an important “anaerobic” chemical reaction starts: your body splits Glucose, transforming it into lactic acid and procured as the energy required to run. About speed training is sometimes also called “anaerobic” training. Studies on the anaerobic training to find out whether training in the anaerobically increases the VO2max, have made the researcher Henrik Larsen and Henning Bentzen of the August Krogh Institute, Copenhagen of University studies of nine experienced runners, which everyone trained for six months about a hundred miles a week at a moderate pace in the aerobic range. Then four of the runners ran five 14 weeks still in the aerobic range, while the rest only trained fifty kilometers per week. Runs in anaerobically, which went over distances of sixty-one thousand meters were the half of it. The results were remarkable.
Although the runners who trained the aerobic, ran twice as many kilometers, compared to the Group trainee in the anaerobically, their maximal oxygen uptake is not increased. Those runners However, what work did, improved their VO2max at least seven percent. In addition, that the runners that anaerobic training, improved even their race times, others not. Explanatory statement the result why now the result looks like? The anaerobic training activates your type – IIa (“fast kontraktierenden”) leg muscle cells. You provide, necessary, energy for the Sprint. Their ability to use oxygen, increases very fast run anaerobically, i.e. clearly activation. These cells must also adapt, for tempo runs bring both the cardio-circulatory system and respiratory system to its limits. This fact in turn forces the type IIa muscle fibers to improve their ability to absorb oxygen. Anaerobic training means not only to Sprint away try it better with a skillful blend of Sprint and interval training. Brought to a common denominator: who wants to be faster, must run too fast. With a balanced, but intense Sprint and tempo training. by M.Steuwe
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