This is a work that the professor must assure the use of a known basic vocabulary already and introduziz it in term that belongs to the one of magnifying of more scientific or literary character. This always adapted to the age and the characteristics of the children. Teresa Lleix (2004) makes a classification of the linguistic activities that the school since the Infantile Education must make, aiming at to develop the language in different situations. He initiates for the ritual language and the circumstances most frequent, that it characterizes the used linguistic expressions in formulas of cortesias and habitual situations, as: one ol! Until soon! Good day! Good afternoon! Good night! I can play? Happy Passover! I am with hunger! , etc. These situations are many in the daily one of the child and the school must foment them, bringing for its interior through spaces created by the professor in the interior of the classroom, as example the cantos of the room (4), of form that allow to formulate simbolizao games. The simbolizao games are simulation of real events of day-by-day of the child, in which they must observe the forms of proper relations of the adults, presented the situations most diverse. They are most common: I sing it of the fancies, where if they live deeply through histories some personality, as: a prince, a fairy, a witch, etc.; I sing it of the store, where the simulation must start since the fulfilment of arrival, the order of the product, the question of the price, situation of purchases, etc. It has as many possibilities to create ' ' cantos' ' how much to the imagination and the ways that the children follow, they suggest in them. The professor must start with some of it, therefore they will be excellent resources to favor the game symbolic.
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