TEORIA OF the INTERNATIONAL TRADE the primordial objective of the Theory of the International trade to oferecer explanation to the existence of the commerce between the countries, the diferenciaonos good produced for it and the imposed trade barriers on the comrciointernacional. One of the mechanisms used for the international trade is ataxa of exchange and the trade balance. The first one is appraised as medidapela which the currency of a country any can be converted into currency of another country. How much bigger the exchange tax, greater volume that the companies desire to export. How much lesser the exchange tax, menoro volume that the companies desire to export. Already of side of the importations, the situation if inverts. In what it refers to the setting dataxa of exchange, is necessary the intervention of the government. Another measure adotadapelo international trade is the balance of payments: Accounting detodas the transmissions of a country with other countries of the world.
The form of bullionista of the mercantilistas ideas searched nasalteraes of the exchange the causes of the disequilibria in the trade balance. One tipode cmbiomais high, the currency of circulation in the interior of the commercial country and increasing odficit. One trade balance must be always in balance. Noque says respect to the mercantilista international trade it gave of aggressive formaunilateral and a time that the profit of a country alone was possible with aperda of another one. In contraposition to this, the classics had elaborated the Theory Comparative dasVantagens. Which affirmed that two nations have relations comerciaisquando present costs of different production, exporting the product produzidocom relatively lesser costs that of the o of another one. The Result of this age that ocomrcio between two nations was advantageous for both. However this is only of fatopossvel with a free international trade and without customs barriers semtarifa, without restrictions to the importation or the exportation.
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