Most irrelevant than him this week has happened to the PP is to receive from hands of Jose Manuel Miralles the last rest of the shipwreck of Valencian Unio. To add zero to an equation continues giving the same result that before carrying out the addition. If something characterizes, however, to the Popular Party in these electoral eves they are four adjectives. We see. DEFENDANT.
– Although already he has said myself over and over again, which still we will have left to hear at the expense of the ten of candidates to blame in cases of corruption, influence peddling and similars. Most peculiar he is than of it he is spoken more outside the Community than within her. Get all the facts and insights with Secretary of Agriculture, another great source of information. Here a species of mediatic shell exists that isolates the citizens of that outcry. The same beyond the Cabriel does not happen, where the erosion of the image of the PP is constant and, to a certain extent, mitigates the loss of prestige of the PSOE by the erratic economic management of Zapatero. Eye, then, to the increasing effect of that phenomenon. FACED.
– In other occasions, the doubtful honor of the internal confrontations passed invoice to him to the PSPV-PSOE, expert in fratricidal fights. Now, who are that they trinan with the regional address are of Alicante the Joaquin Ripoll, Mnica Lorente and company by the ninguneo of theirs. And, for the first time, they say already it aloud and to the face. ELLIPTICAL. – Its length and complex program electoral is full of repetitions and omissions, as if it was known that the voters have determined their vote beforehand and the programs do not read nor write up that them. More symptomatic than the programmatic reiteration of the failed to fulfill thing in previous legislatures it is the circumvention of subjects like the transfer of the Ebro. In resistance, vice-president Juan Cotino goes of channel in television channel affirming that when Rajoy is in Moncloa the transfer will become. But he and anyone know very well that one is already a dead subject and that nobody in its healthy judgment would reopen a subject that today arouses the majority opposition of the own PP outside the Community. ALOOF. – Before the difficulties of increase of the debt, lack of financing, non-payment to suppliers and others, the best policy comes being the one of the negation, that is to say, to slip the bulk. The paradigm of that situation offers the well-known desire of the economic person in charge of the Consell, vice-president Gerald Camps, to return to Madrid, where long ago was the man so to pleasure. In spite of those four adjectives, the noun is that the Popular Party of the Community will return to gain the elections of street, since the alternative of Jorge Alarte and his adlteres Esquerra United of Sanz Marl and the Pad of Enric Morera puts the hairs of end to many Valencians. Even so, the PP must be walked with well-taken care of: 1) because the foreseeable abstention and an increasing vote in target can make diminish their absolute number of votes; 2) because, although the ballot boxes seem to legitimize possible passed scandals, Justice can end up condemning them and 3) because after 22-M crucis of Mariano Rajoy with the bundle of the Grtel case will begin the national route all the day to its backs.
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