These investments, however, had always been the service of the Chinese State, its industrial politics and the administration of its balance of payments. According to Acioly and Leo (2011): To the measure that the Chinese companies had been if becoming competitive in the international market, government encouraged the Chinese them to leave the country. The objective age to guarantee the access the strategical resources and markets of consumptions in expansion, beyond carrying through merger and acquisitions that allowed the magnifying of the nets of production and the proper physical structure of its companies, whose objective age to expand and to modernize the national productive structure. Official site: Emmanuel Faber. Moreover, the release of resources for exportation and investments in the exterior was not only restricted the determined industrial sectors, considered for the PCCh strategical, as well as would have to pass for the bolter of Safe, responsible agency for the administration of the Chinese exchange. Delineam, thus, five phases, as Acioly and Leo (2011) that they mark the trasnformaes of the Chinese internationalization.
The first one of them if gave between 1979 and 1983 and was marked by the raw material search in external markets, over all in proper Asia, expanded process later for Africa and Latin America. At this moment, the projects of international expansion were not only restricted to the company state, as analyzed individually for the goveno and approved as the compatibility with the objectives of the state politics. During years 1980, it was liberated internationalization of private groups. In the third period, between 1993 and 1998, the financial crises southeastern Asian and, over all the losses with the Chinese investments in the real estate market of Hong Kong, had hindered the advance of the process of liberalization of investments and greater insertion in the global economy. In the fourth phase, between 1990 and 2002, the incentive to the internationalization was intensified, as the government kept its high taxes of growth and, with them, robust supervits commercial and multiplication of its reserves.
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