In search of truth, scientists have been increasingly go beyond the individual sciences. In other words, there was a process of intensive interpenetration of the various branches of knowledge. Did not pass this progressive trend and human anatomy, absorbed the results of discoveries in many fields of knowledge, especially in the field of natural sciences. The consequence of this process was the modern human anatomy, has become one of the fundamental disciplines of medicine. Do not lose the right called normal, she, unlike pathological anatomists, topographical, sporting considerably enriched his theoretical sense, expanded health problems and at the same time armed with the latest techniques study.
Consequently, we can say that modern human anatomy – a biological science that studies the shape and structure of the human body due to the function and morpho-functional changes in time (the historical process, individual development), large (in various regions of the world) and various factors (climatic, geographical, ecological, social, genetic, and functional). A central place in modern anatomy is asking the uneven development of organs during development and evolution of man, but at the same time the historical formation and functional relationship various structures that determine the integrity of the organism. Today, special attention should be directed to physicians asking morphofunctional adaptation of various organs and the human body as a whole in a contaminated environment (Air, soil, water and food especially) with various chemicals, heavy metals, radionuclides, etc. Dentist should be remembered that significant deviations of the pollutant content of chemical substances from the maximum allowable, as a rule, have a negative impact on the morphofunctional state of the dental apparatus: delayed eruption of teeth in children and early tooth loss in adults, most often due to periodontal disease, very common anomaly shape of crowns, pathological bite, etc. All this is particularly important when the physician is forced to work in environmentally disadvantaged areas. Of great importance for future dentists have the topographic location of assimilation with respect to the skeleton or other organs, the projections of various anatomical structures (nerve and vascular trunks, where they exit the bony canals ducts of the salivary glands, etc.) on the skin of those parts of the body, study, and the structure of the slits mezhfastsialnyh neurovascular bundles. This will help in practical work, especially during operations (eg, reconstructive operation of jaws, removing tumors of the maxillary (maxillary) sinuses, abscesses and disclosure odontological centers abscess, carotid artery ligation with injuries of the tongue or jaw, tracheotomy, etc.). It is worth note that the benefits of knowledge of anatomy may also be mediated (indirect).
It is, for example, about the anatomical and functional studies on large numbers of people from different regions, the results which accumulate to a relatively young science – ergonomics, which studies the man and his work in a production environment, workplace organization, improvement of machines, devices with device management manual control (especially fast), etc. During the arrangement of dental pay much attention to comfortable dental chairs, production of which requires anatomical knowledge, as follows: constitutional types of people living in certain regions, body proportions, height above the floor (standing and sitting) of various anthropometric points. It is very important to the dentist for surgery had improved tools, especially boron devices, which need to create a detailed morpho-functional features to know the upper extremities of man. Finally, a successful doctor's work requires an adequate and efficient lighting, which also requires detailed knowledge about the features of the vision of man. Keep in mind that a comfortable workplace improves human performance, prevents premature fatigue, ensures high quality work. – Anatomical Atlas
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