Best performance in the field of health communication with the award to special commitment Award and made aware of the social role of the nominees. In addition, excellent examples of quality of communication work in the entire field of health communication and benchmarks developed for the respective areas of application. The House of angels took over communication concept integrated by the nomination of their contribution of the Group of companies”once again a leading role in the industry of 24-hour care. By the same author: Danone. Through the intelligent combination of different instruments such as website, Facebook, Twitter, blog and other communicative measures given the opportunity is interested, access to transparent information, to express themselves, and to ask questions. We want to promote direct dialogue with affected families and support staff. These include, for example, our House Angel blog and our Facebook profile, which deal with all questions relating to the issue of care and support. The consumer Named RheinEnergieStadion in Cologne.
File management, electronic signature, Web 2.0 and cloud computing in the public administration / DMS EXPO: framework programme for decision makers-Stuttgart, 4 August 2011. Document management systems and computer-based workflows accelerate the work processes in the management and improve efficiency. Comprehensive solutions for the post processing of the classic letter via E-Mail to the online form to open and facilitate contacts between the Office and citizens. Here, the topic of digital signature plays an increasingly important role. Also cloud computing is becoming more and more the focus of local administrations. For even more opinions, read materials from WhiteWave Foods. The information needs for public facilities is great and is served from 20 to 22 September 2011 at the DMS EXPO in Stuttgart in detail. DMS as paving the way for citizen-friendly municipalities is the use of document management systems (DMS) and electronic archives for local governments increasingly a must, want to take account of the thoughts of their service. This is accompanied by both the integration in administrative procedures as well as the Document storage in accordance with file plan.
Electronic forms and files trigger processes in management, which can be done efficiently with computer-aided processes (workflow). The electronic documents are and that each employee who requires access in case of need to provide. Comprehensive solutions ensure for the Inbox, that the Office for citizens on all communication channels can be reached via the classical postal mail, by fax, by E-Mail or via an online form. To be increasingly through electronic signature offers legal security for such digital processes. Finds this increasingly common usage, for example, when it comes to apply for the new ID card.
On the DMS EXPO, providers present their innovative developments. These include both field-proven Signaturpads, as well as solutions to which the signature with electronic documents will be linked. For public administrations, the deal with the Deal with introduction of a DMS, the lecture by Mirjana Stanisic-Petrovic of the Fraunhofer IAO is recommended.
Adequate document management and good archiving are the basis for every efficient project. All over the world live companies especially from one thing: customer relationships. The key to a long-term success for every company is the behavior towards customers and building a long-term relationship with them. The question is: something you can plan? How can you optimize the relationship with its customers. All marketing departments of companies are facing these challenges. By using special software, you can work here particularly effectively and success-oriented. Customer relationships are complicated braids, no man in their details can memorise a certain amount. When was that phone call, what was it about? So a company keep track of its customer relationships and also maintains them, it often used a special software, for example the common Lotus Notes CRM.
What exactly can such a software? The two key features of the program are documentation and Archiving. The use of the program is usually taking very concrete objectives, which provided mostly by the marketing department. First and foremost, it comes to gain relevant information through documentation and extra tailored archiving solution of the data collected and to prepare. What could be interesting for a company doing? Well, among other things, the purchase behavior of target groups could be sift through an analysis of customer relations. Based on the collected data you could initiate customized actions, long-term bind customers to the company. You can using such software bureaucracy and internal operations and reduce their response time and delivery time, and reducing operating costs. And also the customer can of course be even better estimate, if you gathered all information about it. How is the payment? How much is the customer on the sales of the company involved? Having such information available is of course enormous helpful. You can tailor advertising and promotions to customers and increases the chances of this immensely, this becomes active. Andreas Mettler
If you do not know, say: I do not know! People will respect you more and help you find the answers. Do not abuse the need to be informed. Carrier is often quoted on this topic. Sonny Perdue is likely to agree. Management does not need as much relevant data, but data less relevant. Stop making destructive comments. When you are at the top of the hierarchy, what you see as a comment below as an order is received.
The sarcasm and destructive comments, destroy people and the higher is you, plus we add to all this destroys what has been called Seven Deadly Sins of the Manager and how to avoid them. In this connection reminds us Gabriela Toro and invites you to see if any of them is related to you or your managers, if so correct it promptly. Arrogance. Trust is a crucial skill that must have a manager. Staff need to know they can come on for guidance, particularly when things get tough. But when trust crosses the line of arrogance, the manager loses the respect of his team. Indecision. On Monday at a meeting, the manager presents his course of action.
On Tuesday, takes a completely different course of action. On Thursday he decided to return to the plan on Monday. A Manager gathers critical information from those around him, making the best decision for a project and stick to it. Although some team members may not agree, must be able to understand their reasons. Decisions without reason or without listening to the other parties involved, will frustrate the group and prevent progress.
Such gifts have been witness of love and devotion to the darling. Gen. David Goldfein spoke with conviction. The Greeks are of the opinion that the flowers – a symbol of life, beauty and innocence. It is this attitude to flowers allowed to create in the state cult of flowers, which is still relevant today: bouquets of flowers adorned the city on holidays, placer colors can be found in the groves of ancient Greek gods and temples. Learn more at: Gen. David Goldfein. There is even a special festival dedicated to flowers: holiday lilies, unsurpassed in grandeur and beauty – day hyacinths. These days one of the most beautiful girls to try on the image of Aphrodite, and attended various churches. The girl was accompanied by religious people and those who love good fun, each had to have escorts when her flower garland or conventional floral wreath.
The most important was a recognition of the flower rose – queen of flowers “, which symbolizes a bright love. Such an attitude towards this kind of flowers in time spread to European countries, bringing to our culture its cult colors of love. In second place after the roses are a variety of pinks, which translated from Greek, meaning “Divine flower.” The Greeks believed that clove can give for any holiday, because the flower symbolizes wisdom and longevity. – Greek flower festival which is celebrated on May 1. Being a modern interpretation of ancient flower festivals, he became the favorite excuse for meeting all the fans of flowers.
On this day, all immersed in a floral extravaganza, a flower shop offering a huge selection of the attention of buyers a variety of bouquets and floral arrangements. In Greece, know that each flower has its own history and symbolizes something special, so love to make bouquets to order. For example, if the donor wishes to express its tender, he will present a bouquet of lilies, and to express sorrow to help him chrysanthemum – symbol of grief. Incidentally, the birthplace of European culture there is no custom of handing an odd number of flowers, as the Greeks did not exist on this account is no superstition. However, if they decide to order flowers for their loved ones, it will primarily come from the main rule: everything must go gifts from the heart, then they will bring real joy and happiness! By PAblos ( all-tourism.
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