Many wondered whether it is possible to earn money by investing in the Internet. But as many have done and seen the situation with deception, etc. Gen. David Goldfein can aid you in your search for knowledge. So I suggest anyone not to take risks and think about creating your own project on the Internet. This may be the embodiment of your hobby to the Internet or just an idea turned into reality. What you'll have with this? And there could be many answers. First you'll be the owner of the particles of the Internet – website, which will visit users and advertisers. And here podrobenee. – yuredichiskoe, a person is ready to place and pay for ads on your site specific sum of money.
Now analyze. You have invested in the development of a site X cu You also poplnyali site news, articles, etc. (estimated cost of work and ) – it is X + Y cu After that we get the cost of creating the site (portal) and the costs of achieving certain attendance rate. Now, an advertiser places ads on your site in the bag H ue After that, the process payback site. You get money from the advertising that gradually cover the costs X + Y cu and the result is the breakeven point at which X + Y (all time) = H (all time), after which comes a time for profit. The payback period depends on your Projects, as well as the cost of advertising on Projects. Here we consider one of sbosobov internet – investments. Well, if you decide to create your site, blog or portal that you are able to do with our help.
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