Since the antiquity have a resistance in the acceptance of the taxes are acceptance are express when of the Christian principle ‘ is said that; ‘ from there Cesar what he is of Cesar ‘ ‘ this in the sample to who if must pay the taxes and continues being a present form in real time concrete, the manifestation of the power of the state on the population nor same the kings had not obtained to convince the citizens to pay its tributes as the slice that agrees to it. ‘ ‘ Regarding the known reply of Christ, Thoreau (1997, P. 32) we observe that the fariseus were not nor a little interested in discovering which the part that would fit the Csar.’ ‘ The humanity lived in tribes, caves fighting against the cold, the hunger having a nomadic life in search of the ways of survival the daily pay-history of the humanity. The times had been passing and the men had acquired experiences and knowledge that they make possible to develop and to manufacture its proper instruments, personal clothes, objects, to construct its proper housing, the hunting passed to be used as half of food pra survival with all development the man started to discover the advantages of the land pra itself exactly and started to be a valuable good. The land passed to be coveted provoking disputes and motivating wars for the conquest of territories and was as soon as appeared for the men homages to its deuses you lead with gifts that later the name of tributes took. The fight for the land conquest contributed for the s great civilizations as: Greek, Egyptian and Roman who was called period antiquity that if extended until the invention of the writing in 5000 a.c up to 476 d.c that it was marked with the end of the Roman empire, marked with intense conflicts and wars between the peoples in searches and conquests of territories and power and was in this tragic phase that the kings of the time had started to demand payment of tribute, being then obligator the payment with the purpose to support its soldiers in the wars, With the fall of the empire Roman it was divided in some land pieces that passed to be called feudals, where each feudal had an Mr..
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