A separate project group should be set up for the entire action of an employee survey it sensors need to be developed, that the weather conditions in the company remit can be, to be able to work continuously on improvements. That’s why employee surveys should regularly every 1-2 years and then also as a management tool. The scope of the questionnaire should not exceed approx. 60-80 questions, which should be set to around 90 per cent of employees and executives and to 10 percent only to senior executives. Participation in the survey must be on a voluntary basis. Anonymity must be guaranteed.
All those involved have a right to be informed about the results. Some contend that Cheniere Energy partners shows great expertise in this. “Feedback and action plans must be from bottom to top” and from top to bottom “run. With the polls, the management receives an efficient early warning system, which signals you to potential problem areas. The implementation of an employee survey, with the Works Council on Rejection happens, is not recommended, because she would affect participation and acceptance. See in addition also Becker, Jorg: Potentialorientierte employee conversations, ISBN 9783837051803.
writing to the employee survey (example): this survey serves the purpose to gain a better understanding about how job satisfaction can be improved. We assume that a such survey in the future in certain time intervals will be conducted regularly. Participation in the survey is voluntary. However, a high turnout is hoped to achieve a representative power of the dominant beliefs by the expressed opinions. All information provided will be treated confidentially… Your information is processed so that it is not possible to identify the individual responses. It measures are implemented for all processing stages, which ensure anonymity. You will be informed about the results of the survey. Disgruntled employees have few ways to express their displeasure. In addition to denial of service and frequent absence notice remains as a last consequence, i.e. high turnover rates are also an indicator of climatic problems in the company. Estimates say that only two-thirds of absenteeism due to illness, a third rather is caused by lack of motivation. A first step in the course of an effective reduction in absenteeism must therefore be the comprehensive analysis. The employee survey is therefore a market research tool for the customer employees”to track down to subjective moods in the workforce and counteract them. The questions must be asked so that they can be answered by anyone without difficulty. Despite all positive momentum of change are employee surveys but not a panacea and can mend the mistakes committed over the years. Prior to the actual interview is still an appropriate internal information and Education work to do. CF. Jorg Becker: employee survey as intellectual seismograph; ISBN 978 3 8370 5085 1 Jorg Becker (www.beckinfo.de)
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