4.10. select group of balls Robbery does not determine which of the players which group of balls to play, even if the results were scored if the balls of one (or both) groups, as after the robbery table is always "open." Selecting a group of balls is made only after proper stroke performed after the robbery, which was packed ordered an object ball. 4.11. right blow When all strokes (except for the robbery of the pyramid, or being struck at a time when the table is "open"), the player must to strike the balls of their group and, after hitting the cue ball over the ball, (1) pocket a ball of any team in the pocket, or (2) bring to the board of the cue ball or any object ball. (Note: if the strike at which the cue ball before getting into object ball hits the board, then the cue ball after impact with the ball of his group, the same should be scored object ball from any group, either the cue ball or any object ball must be brought to the board.) If not satisfied, none of these conditions, the player is a foul. 4.12. Roleplaying Based on its tactical reasons, a player may pass the course the opponent after the ball was hammered clear, if a player is announced before kick roleplaying. Roleplaying is correct punch. If a player is going to win back stabbed by the obvious ball before impact, he is obliged to announce after-game opponent.
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