November 23 – Secretariat of Health of the DF registers bigger incidence of victims of the affection in the Structural Village. December 05 – The Federal if manifest Public prosecution service against the new Project of Law of the district member of the house of representatives Jos Edmar (PMDB) that it considers the regularization of invasion of the Structural one. 07 – The inhabitants of the Village and the district member of the house of representatives Jose Edmar sponsor the coffee of the morning to convince the district ones to vote in favor of the project that considers the regularization of the area. 2002 July 24 – According to data of the IBGE, only 52.2% of the Brazilian cities possess nets of sewer with treatment. 36% has access to the canalized water in the cities and vilarejos. In the DF the Structural Village is an example of this reality.
The inhabitants suffer with the lack of basic sanitation. November 22 – The Structural one is considered by the Division of Ambient Monitoring of the Federal District as one of the areas most propitious to the proliferation of the Aedes aegipty, the transmitting mosquito of the affection. 2003 January 24 – Technician of the Seduh makes domiciliary survey to verify the veracity of the information of 1 registers in cadastre of families. The objective is to discover if they live in the invasion have five years more than. This work goes to serve of base in the qualification of who will remain definitively in the area. August 02 – Roriz governor school in the Structural Village inaugurated 1.
The construction lasted 5 months and cost about R$ 250 a thousand to the public coffers. The college will take care of 1,4 a thousand children of the Structural one. 08 – The program Water Ours, that consists of implanting nets of sanitary sewer and water supply of the habitacionais regions, arrived the Structural one.
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