Mateo 18, 10: Mirad that you do not despise to one of these small ones; because I say to you that their angels in skies always see the face of my Father who is in skies. Romans 14, 10: But you, why you judge your brother? Or you also, why you despise your brother? Because all we will appear before the court of Christ . Much less they despise in its heart to its pairs by the enthusiastic way or fanatical as they are related to God praises or it. 2 Samuel 6, 16: When the coffer of Jehovah arrived at the city of David, it occurred that Mical daughter of Sal watched from a window, and it saw king David who jumped and danced in front of Jehovah; and it despised in his heart to him and Mical daughter of Sal never had children until the day of its death . It considers that always when you have a scorn attitude reveals its great power generally based on a lie. Nehemas 2, 19: But whatever heard horonita Sanbalat, Tobas the servant ammonite, and Gesem the Arab, they did escarnio of us, and they despised to us, saying: What is this that you do? You rebel yourselves against the king? 2- THE SCORN IS FIRSTLY TO GOD In each action or attitude of scorn, contempt, deceives, disdain, snub, subvaluation in the home is always present the scorn to God, its norms and their advice because the sin is against Him. Certainly if I ignore even, not him I give rise that must occupy, I do not communicate suitably with her, scorn its life or its body I do something that dislikes the Gentleman. I move away of Him and I become foreigner in my own home.
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