fiber per m3 of mixture produced the amount of fiber that is used is based on the weight of the mixture back 6 does is expensive to use an asphalt mixture type back as a pavement folder? The initial cost of a mixture type back is greater than an asphalt mixture of conventional type, per cubic meter. However, from the structural point of view, a back requires only 55% of the material that would be required with conventional mixing to form a square meter of folder. I.e., that a back for each centimetre of thickness supports the same efforts for which a conventional asphalt mixture needs 1.82 cm. thick. Example: A structurally folder on back of 3.5 cm. thick, equivalent to a folder of conventional asphalt mixture of 6.4 cm.
thick. I.e. that with 3.5 cm. thick the back has the same capacity to resist the efforts of the transit; as a folder of conventional mix of 6.4 cm. thick compact. Conclusion: Comparing the cost between the two types of folder (conventional mixing and type back), is You will need: If two compared mixtures are of good quality in terms of design, elaboration and tended and used stone materials and asphalt adequate and good quality checked, the initial cost per square meter covered pavement, is virtually the same between both types of folder, if it is considered that the conventional must have one thickness greater than the folder back, before equality efforts. However considering comparative factors of life, with a similar conservation work, a folder type back be expected length of life highly superior to a conventional folder.
Therefore if we consider the relation cost / benefit, it will be a lower-cost, the folder type back, per year of service. Warning: The thickness of a mixture of type back, is recommended not be increased to 4 cm. Compact, in order to maintain an efficient transmission of efforts the stone skeleton system. Compact the mixture back thickness, will depend on the maximum size of aggregate that is used in the granulometric project design. 7 Do a mixture type back can be used as folder or you must always be placed on another asphalt layer? A mixture type back is used as a binder and it can be placed on a good layer of base material, the latter is or not stabilized. It can also be placed as a contact folder with transit in paving asphalt surface is damaged, but not its structure. Either in reconstructed pavements, which will leverage existing material to form a stabilized layer, on which was placed the folder type back In either of the above cases, you must be under the folder type back, a pavement structure properly calculated for the operating conditions to which will be subjected.
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