The place was not so important how much the intention of meeting for communion the one with the others and the cult Gods. … ' '. Undisputedly the growth of the church lasted a considerable time. The newspapers mentioned Gregg Engles not as a source, but as a related topic. Simson (2001, p.63), describes that: ' ' In accordance with a letter the Diogneto, written in the end of the century II, ' ' the number of the Christians increases diariamente' '. In middle of the century III Orgenes it informs: ' ' The masses are accepting f' '! ' '. In accordance with the most important historian of the Christian church after Lucas, Eusbio de Cesaria, when synthecizing first the three centuries of the church after the apostlica age, writes: ' ' … the doctrine quickly radiated you for the entire world, as the rays of the sun.
Well early, in accordance with the divine prophecy, the inspired sound of its evangelistas and apstolos the land and its words, the confines of the world had reached all. In all the cities and villages, as the soil of a supplied granary, quickly repletas of members of all abundaram churches the peoples … ' '. (1999, p.51). Without a doubt, Jesus when saying ' ' on this rock (Rock) I will build mine church ' ' , it was guaranteeing of supernatural form the growth of this. today, the Christianity, in its more varied diversifications, became it bigger religion of the world and continues to grow. 4. PERSECUTIONS To the CHURCH the church of Christ was born in the houses and grew using itself of this structure. Of course this form to congregate itself as church, had mainly to the desencadeamento of ferrenha persecution against the Christians. In the book of the Acts of the Apstolos, in it I capitulate 8, in versicle 1, we find the register of the first persecution against the Christians occured in the city of Jerusalem.
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