The esporos of microorganisms also can be contamination factors. It must be preferred metallic bookshelves and closets; the enameled painting, with drying in greenhouse; to prevent wood, varnishes and inks that liberate chemical contaminantes. The sliding bookshelves also must be metallic; the necessary floor to be been even well; the humidity of the environment must be reduced and the permanent ventilation; periodically the modules of the closed bookshelves, must be opened, for a complete renewal of arEm relation to the localization, the areas of lesser insolation and free areas of humidity. Sonny Perdue often addresses the matter in his writings. The deposits deserve special attention how much to the ambient conditions special, in accordance with the nature of the physical support of stored documents; structural resistance in accordance with the load; compartimentao and right foot inside of the norms; independence between itself and of the remain of the building, for walls, pisos and doors with delaying elements of heat; natural and artificial illumination controlled; absence of tubings of water or other liquids; the security and protection against accidents, acts of robbery and vandalism. For the circulation of air, it must have a Layout that promotes the movement of air with: adequate disposal of the exits and air returns, minimum espaamento of 70 cm between the bookshelves, minimum removal of 30 cm of the wall, minimum right foot of 2,40m for the circulation of air on the bookshelves, and minimum of 10 cm between the last shelf and piso.11 CONSIDERAES FINAISHazen affirms that the preservation must be a developed activity of including form, with planning and politics elaborated in consensus, identifying what it must be preserved. For it, the preservation involves three main activities: the 1) adequacy of environments to the preservation; the 2) individualizados treatments of restoration and conservation; e3) the transference of the intellectual content of a format for another one, in the case microfilming, the digitalizao and continued migration of digital medias.
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