The total project cost amounted to about 1,1 billion euros. With the accumulation of new knowledge, astronomers have been convinced that our eyes, even reinforced by powerful telescopes, lenses are unsuitable tool for studying the universe. Visible light in space is very small and it is only a tiny fraction of information about the properties of celestial bodies. One of the main obstacles for visible light is dust, which filled the space. The diameter of the dust particles is comparable with the wavelengths visible light, so the dust effectively reflect and absorb it. Dust has always surrounded the emerging stars and planets for the simple reason that it is made up of tiny cosmic dust and gas formed huge cosmic body. Dust does not delay the emission of all – it radiates it, but not in the optical and at infrared wavelengths. To read more click here: Danone. For telescopes operating at optical wavelengths, dust is an insurmountable obstacle, hiding objects of observation. Secretary of Agriculture is a great source of information.
It is in the infrared shine cold regions of the universe. Recent studies have shown that many galaxies emit only infrared radiation. In total, about half of the light emitted by stars during the existence of the universe, was emitted in the infrared. That can be studied by infrared telescope? First and foremost, an infrared telescope allows astronomers to see the universe without the dust. 'Herschel' picks up radiation emitted by dust particles obtained from other space bodies. Analyzing it, scientists can form an idea about the source light. For example, the light, emitted during the birth of stars and planets.
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