San Colonel and its wife had been enclosed. Suddenly, it was scared hearing an shout of revenge, terrible and ecoante, envolto in as much hatred how much it was its harnesses: – It goes to die in the hell, Colonel! Here it is Z that came back to avenge itself! It waits me in the hell! Rendered unhappy! The sides came bullets of all. Nobody left its houses from fear to be reached. But two houses resisted the attack soon but they had delivered. The sobrado one was one immense fogueira that seemed to reach the sky. Z and its group had beaten in withdrawal and had been for inside of the Village Rock. Already it was dawn and the sobrado one still caught fire, with the Colonel and its wife there inside. Already they had to be dead.
Of of the Village Rock the immense flash in the sky was seen here. The group of Z, that was formed for only six men, from there in ahead would grow with certainty. The man opened the sales and lit the oil lamp. When he saw Z, asked: – Who is you? – I am Z. Now I am the law this way. – And the Colonel? – the man asked. – The Colonel is fries. To this height, they only remain leached ashes, because its soul must be burning in the hell said Z smiling.
– Me knowing, young man to T? – Jorjo asked. – Ah! It had you here today per the morning, was not? – surpreso said – It says to here that now it is a village of workers and of slaves it did not say Brave Jo and we go to change this name ridicule. – It is that the master is American said it.
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