Weekly Environmental Newsletters EcoportalRu
Topics of issue: Nature Reserves managed by Ministry of Environment. By the end of the century world population will starve. Using search engines is bad for the environment. UN: 2009 will be challenging. In Sweden banned mercury.
—- FocusNote have reserves and national parks has a new owner of most national parks reserves and got under the jurisdiction MEP. The cause of the collapse of the Mi-8 helicopter was in the Altai argali in illegal hunting from the air. By the end of the XXI century, half the population of the Earth will starve. Using the search engine was harmful to the environment. Environmentalists blame manufacturers of electronics in disregard for the environment. Microorganisms on Earth are capable of producing rain, and automobile exhaust – lightning. Its 'police force' is in each ant colony.
Scientists have refuted the ability of plants to emit greenhouse gases. In the ocean again formed climatic phenomenon La Nina. A short review of —- major environmental news for the week. —- Coming year will be extremely difficult, said UN Secretary-General in 2009 will be extremely difficult. This – the year to address climate change. This, in particular, the General said UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon on the first of this year's press conference for journalists. He recalled that before the Copenhagen summit, which must be approved by a comprehensive agreement to combat global warming there are only 11 months. UN chief called on world leaders to intensify efforts in this direction, recalling that climate change – a real threat to the planet … —- The number of violations in NPP in 2008 decreased by 17% Quantity violations in nuclear power plants (NPP) in Russia in 2008 decreased in comparison with 2007 by 17% to 39 cases, said Tuesday's press-service of 'RosEnergoAtom'. 'In 2008, the Russian nuclear power plants have demonstrated the best results Safety in the history of the national nuclear energy in terms of an operating unit '- the report said … —- In the Pacific, was back La Nina Scientists have found that in the Pacific Ocean again formed climate phenomenon called La Nina, reports Science NOW. That it is responsible for the high average temperature of air and water in 2008. The effect of La Nini caused an accumulation of cold water Central Pacific. Climatic implications of this buildup can be very diverse. For example, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Research predicts that in the coming months Indonesian territory should expect a large amount of precipitation. In addition, in the southwest United States will be the threat of flooding … —- Sweden bans mercury from 1 June this year in Sweden, a ban on the use of mercury in the manufacture and dentistry, as well as its imports and exports. This decision was made today at a meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers. Mercury – a heavy metal that can cause serious poisoning. At present there are substances that can replace mercury, and there is no need to use this dangerous chemical element, according to government experts. However, for some industries cabinet yet makes an exception: there will be a final ban was introduced 4 years later, in 2013 .. —- Release Distribution: 330 issue a weekly mailing of environmental ECOportal.ru Subscribe: Subscribe to the environmental distribution Source: Announcement of Release 330 ECOportal.ru
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